Dr. Wolfgang Schöberl
Attorney at Law
1995 | High school graduation Bundesgymnasium Franklinstraße 21, Vienna |
2000 | University of Oslo (Norway) ERASMUS-Programme |
2001 | University of Vienna Master of Laws |
2001 - 2002 | Court traineeship |
2002 | University of Bergen (Norway) Scientific stay |
2003 | University of Vienna Doctor of Laws |
2003 - 2007 | Law Firm Dr. Wilhelm Schuster Associate |
2007 | Admitted to the bar |
2007 - 2013 | Law Firm Dr. Wilhelm Schuster Constant deputy lawyer and lawyer in cooperation |
2013 | Acquisition of the law firm Dr. Wilhelm Schuster |
Languages: | German English French Norwegian |
Publications: „Die Einheitstäterschaft als europäisches Modell“, NWV 2006 co-author of „Mustersammlung Zivilverfahren“ (Commented collection of example writs and court documents in Austrian civil procedure), WEKA-Verlag (since 2012) Click here to get to the publication Publisher and co-author of "Handbuch Erbrecht" (Compendium on Law of Inheritance), WEKA-Verlag (since 2014) Click here to get to the publication Co-author of the Handbook "Wohnungseigentumsgesetz und Nebengesetze" (Condominium law and supplementary laws) WEKA-Verlag (since 2017) Titscher/Schöberl, Rücktritt beim Download von Freeware-Programmen, ZaK 2012, 581 ff Prostitution und Wohnungseigentum, Der Mieter 2014, 16 ff Schöberl/Douda, Ist eine Bar ein Prostitutionslokal?, Zak 2016, 695 ff Schöberl/Kostic, Hausverwaltungstätigkeit im Spannungsfeld der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, in: Handbuch "Wohnungseigentumsgesetz und Nebengesetze" WEKA-Verlag (04/2018) Memberships: Bar Association Vienna, „Österreichischer Juristenverband“ (Austrian Lawyer’s Association), Austrian-Norwegian Association, German-Nordic Lawyer's Association |